Orange Blossom Water 4 oz (agua de azahar)


The orange blossom water is a by-product that is obtained from the orange blossom flowers and as the main quality, it is to act as a soothing and / or sedative, to control stress levels, apart from other benefits for the skin and the organism.

Its main property is to act as a relaxant and controller of nervous and anxiety states.

For Wrinkles and Acne

It is an important natural ingredient, being a natural moisturizer stimulates the formation of collagen and cell regeneration, controlling the action of external agents (sun, toxins, dust), as well as an effective tonic that helps eliminate makeup preventing them from remaining Cosmetic remains that facilitate the formation of wrinkles.

For acne, orange blossom water reduces the excess fat produced by the sebaceous glands, preventing clogging of the pores of the face and forming fat granules (acne), for its antiseptic and astringent properties, a healthy cleaning and no impurities in the skin, guaranteeing a better firmness, appearance and elasticity of the skin, controlling the brightness that gives the face a greasy appearance.

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