Operation Pet Scan

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Board Game Operation Pet Scan.

Pretend you're a vet: The Operation Pet Scan game takes a twist on the classic Operating game.

Oh no! Ekis, Sam's dog, swallowed a lot of wrong things like socks and homework.

Players try to help you feel better by taking them off.

He drops an object into the dog's mouth and uses the Magnetic Can-o-scope to guide it along its belly, hoping it will come out of the end of its tail.

But watch out for the alarm! If it rings, the object falls and that player's turn is over.

Each item that is successfully removed counts as one point and the one with the most points wins.

Children will be entertained throughout the game with fun sound effects.

Press and hold the puppy's nose to hear an instant bark and fart sounds.

Recommended age: +6 years.
Battery requirement: YES.

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